How to Write a Winning Cold Email to Investors?

Faisal Zaman
Content Manager
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Cold emailing an investor can be effective if done right. It gives you a chance to connect with investors outside your network.

A tweet about cold emailing to investors

However, it's essential to tailor your message for each recipient, showing that you've researched them and understand how they could specifically add value to your venture.

Make your email brief, compelling, and professional. Despite these efforts, be prepared for low response rates as cold emailing can be a numbers game.

As per the global cold emails statistics, the average response rate is around 8.5%.

But what if I told you that the right structure could dramatically boost this number?

Here we are going to illuminate the power of a well-crafted cold email. It's not merely about delivering information; it's about storytelling, problem-solving, and compelling calls to action.

Think of it like a Michelin-star dish - presentation matters!

When your email structure has all the right ingredients, your chance of getting noticed skyrockets.

Ready to whip up some emails that investors can't resist? Let's roll up our sleeves and get started!

The Key Criteria Before Contacting an Investor

Are You Suitable for Venture Capital Investment?

Not all businesses suit Venture Capital's preferences, which may include factors like industry, scalability, and financial growth. Ensure your venture aligns with these criteria before proceeding.

Does Your Venture Align with the Investor's Focus?

Even if your business is suitable for investment, it may not align with every investor's focus. Screen your investors by their investment preferences: your business's location, industry (E-commerce, AI, blockchain...), growth stage, and investment capacity.

Have You Showcased Promising Indicators?

Investors usually avoid entirely untested ventures. Highlight promising signs such as robust user engagement, patented technology, a secured lead investor, or an experienced team. If you're still in the early stages, consider incubators or angel investors.

The Winning Email Structure With Examples


Seven Guidelines to Enhance Your Email Subject:

  • Limit your email subject to under 60 characters, ensuring it's fully visible on mobile notifications.
  • Avoid generic phrases like "investment proposal". Use this space effectively.
  • Demonstrate that your venture aligns with the investor's focus. For an AI-focused investor, use "AI for education".
  • Indicate some impressive aspect of your venture like user growth or a prestigious team member.
  • Mention your fundraising stage to clarify the email's intent.
  • Mention the location of the startup.
  • Incorporate your business name, aiding in email searches later.Don’t believe us? Here’s what VC Trevor Loy has to say about this:
A tweet about putting company name in subject line when cold emailing.

Here are some of the best examples of a perfect subject line:

  1. EdTech Startup EdLearn - Seed Round, 50% MoM Growth, US
  2. HealthTech Startup MedConnect - Pre-Seed, 3x Exited Founder, Asia

Worst examples:

  1. Investment opportunity of a lifetime: 10,000% ROI guaranteed!
  2. Investment Proposal: A Can't-Miss Opportunity (Guaranteed Returns!)


Let's look at, what Trace Cohen, an angel investor in 30+ pre-seed startups, has to say about this…

A tweet by T Cohen about investor cold email structure

And we couldn’t agree more with Trace!

A proper email body includes:

  1. Why did you choose to contact that specific person?
  2. Here you have the opportunity to show that you’ve done your research and this is not another spammy email that you’re sending to your list of 1000+ random investors.
  3. Introduction - one or two sentences clearly about what you do.
  4. In the introduction, you want to concisely state what your company does. This should be a clear and compelling sentence or two that captures the investor's attention.
  5. Current problem and solution
  6. Explain the problem your product or service addresses and how your solution solves it. Focus on the value proposition and the unique approach you take.
  7. Traction status (If any)
  8. If you have any traction, such as revenue, customer growth, partnerships, or key milestones, mention them here. This helps build credibility and shows potential investor interest.
  9. Team expertise
  10. Highlight the skills, experience, and qualifications of your team members. Emphasize relevant expertise that positions your team as capable of executing your business plan.
  11. Fundraising details
  12. Provide information about your fundraising requirements, terms you are seeking, and a brief overview of your pitch deck. This section should pique the investor's interest and make them curious to learn more. + the CTA!

And the perfect body examples? Here’s THREE for you:

Example 1 (Startup seeking investment in renewable energy):

Hi [Investor's Name],

I chose to contact you because of your expertise in supporting disruptive technologies and your alignment with our vision.

We are XYZ Technologies, providing a solution to address the growing issue of data security breaches.

Our traction includes revenue growth, key partnerships, and significant milestones.

With a highly skilled team experienced in their respective positions:

  • CEO: [Dummy Name], an accomplished entrepreneur with a track record of scaling startups to multi-million dollar valuations.
  • CTO: [Dummy Name], a technology innovator recognized for developing cutting-edge solutions with [specific achievement].
  • CFO: [Dummy Name], a finance expert who successfully secured $10 million in funding for previous ventures.

We are actively seeking investment of [amount] to fuel our growth.

Could we schedule a quick call next week to discuss this further?

11 Tips to Boost Your Email Body

  1. Use a personalized greeting with the recipient's first name.
  2. Refrain from apologetic or overly formal language. Be straightforward and respectful.
  3. Emails should originate from the CEO for early-stage ventures.
  4. Limit your email body to under 1,000 characters for optimal response rate.
  5. Attach your pitch deck in the initial email and end with a confident call-to-action.
A tweet by J M. Odoom about investor cold email errors
  1. Describe your business in simple terms, avoiding jargon and complex phrases.
  2. Provide solid figures rather than vague, qualitative statements about growth.
  3. Maintain a brief email signature.
  4. Cut the fluff!
A tweet about investor cold email copywriting
  1. Avoid unnecessary links and images which distract the reader and might trigger spam filters.
  2. Use short paragraphs for readability.

What to keep in mind before attaching a pitch deck?

  • Follow the basics: your pitch deck should be a visual, succinct presentation, not a detailed business plan.
  • Ensure a clean file name like "Airbnb - Series A", not "V5 - Presentation".
  • Host your pitch deck online for tracking and easy updating.
  • Seek professional help for a polished, effective design once your content is solid.

Mastering the Cold Emailing Process

Time your emails wisely: Send emails on weekdays during work hours for optimal engagement.

Use a professional email address: Increase credibility by using a professional address associated with your domain.

Allocate time for personalization

Research recipients, address them by name, and tailor emails to their needs. Emphasize value proposition, include clear calls-to-action, and proofread before sending.

Build a quality email list

Focus on building a high-quality email list with opt-in subscribers who have shown interest in receiving your emails. Avoid purchasing email lists or using scraped email addresses, as these are more likely to trigger spam filters.

Authenticate your domain

Implement domain authentication protocols such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to verify that your emails are coming from a trusted source. This helps establish your legitimacy and prevents your emails from being flagged as spam

Avoid excessive formatting and attachments

Overly formatted emails or those with large attachments can raise suspicion and trigger spam filters. Keep your email simple and professional, and consider providing links to additional resources instead of attaching files.

Test your emails before sending

Use email testing tools or services to check if your emails are likely to be marked as spam. These tools analyze various factors, such as spam score, deliverability, and content quality, giving you insights into potential issues.

Monitor your sending reputation

Keep an eye on your email-sending reputation. High bounce rates, frequent spam complaints, or blacklisting can harm your reputation and increase the chances of your emails being flagged as spam. Regularly clean your email list and remove inactive or unsubscribed recipients.

Honor unsubscribe requests promptly

Provide a visible and easy-to-use unsubscribe option in your emails, and promptly honor any requests to unsubscribe. Failing to do so can lead to recipients marking your emails as spam, which negatively impacts your reputation.

Wrapping it up: The Next Steps…

Navigating the startup fundraising journey can feel like a Herculean task. However, with the right tools in your arsenal, this path becomes significantly more manageable.

Crafting a compelling cold email to potential investors, as we've explored in this blog, is one such indispensable tool.

Remember, the magic lies in personalizing your message, defining the problem, showcasing your unique solution, making a clear ask, and following up with a strong call to action. Above all, express your company's value proposition, and don't shy away from demonstrating your passion and conviction.

But wouldn't it be great if there was a tool to make this process even more streamlined?

That's where our AI fundraising tool comes into play, a game-changer designed to optimize your investor outreach process.

Let us handle the legwork, so you can focus on what truly matters - bringing your groundbreaking ideas to life.

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No more intimidation. It's time to take charge and revolutionize your fundraising game. Get started now!

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