How to Create a Pitch Deck? (The Easy Way)

Benjamin Debonneville
Founder & CEO
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Why is a pitch deck the secret weapon for startup fundraising?

Picture this: you have a groundbreaking idea that can change the world, but without the right presentation, it's like a hidden gem in the rough.

That's where the magic of a pitch deck comes in – it transforms your vision into a compelling story that captivates investors and opens doors to funding.

In this guide, we'll discuss the art of creating a pitch deck that oozes persuasion, backed by solid evidence and a sprinkle of charm.

Get ready to crack the code and secure those crucial investments! But first, let's shed some light on the fundamentals of the deck- what it is.

What is a Pitch Deck?

Picture this: you have an incredible business idea that can change the game, but you need the right tool to propel it forward – that's where the pitch deck comes in.

A pitch deck is like a gateway, a brief presentation that unlocks opportunities with potential investors, customers, or partners. It's the key to making your vision crystal clear and igniting interest in what you have to offer.

This powerful visual aid condenses your business's essence into a persuasive story, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Forget mundane presentations; your pitch deck is your chance to stand out and shine. Your pitch deck should be as unique as your idea, leaving investors eager to engage with you.

So, let's dissect the art of creating compelling pitch decks and get you one step closer to funding success!

How to Create a Pitch Deck?

Beyond its common association with securing funding, a meticulously crafted pitch deck becomes a strategic enabler, empowering brands to scale and conquer their growth objectives.

Let's dive into the essential elements that'll make your pitch deck a standout success.

Introduction (Elevator Pitch)

In the fast-paced world of startup fundraising, the first impression is everything.

Nail your Introduction – a powerful 2-3 line teaser that instantly captivates potential investors.

Within a mere 30 seconds, paint a vivid picture of your startup's brilliance, leaving them hungry for more. This slide is your golden ticket to pique curiosity and set the stage for the rest of your pitch.

Here's a captivating template for your intro slide for a SaaS B2B startup.

Remember, a compelling elevator pitch can make all the difference between success and silence.

Let's craft yours to perfection!

What is the Problem You Are Solving?

In the vast sea of startups, the key to making a splash lies in solving a problem that truly matters.

The next slide should address the problem you are solving. This part is your chance to define the pain point your startup addresses and why it's a game-changer.

This problem should be big, urgent, and captivating enough to grab investors' attention from the get-go.

Paint a vivid picture, immerse them in your customers' shoes, and weave a relatable story that tugs at their hearts.

Here's an example of a compelling problem slide of a therapist startup deck:

Remember, the more real and pressing the problem, the more compelling your business becomes.

Urgency of the Problem: Why Now?

In the world of business, timing is everything, and the - Why Now -  slide sets the clock ticking in your favor.

Showcasing the unmet needs of users, current market trends, and the competitive landscape, this slide paints a compelling picture of the golden opportunity before you.

Back up your claims with data, evidence, and proof, revealing why this moment is the perfect storm to launch your solution.

Here is an example template for you - why now - slide:

Investors will be intrigued to know why this problem hasn't been addressed yet and why your startup is the game-changer they've been waiting for.

What is Your Solution?

Presenting the heart of your pitch deck: Your Solution.

This is where your startup's magic comes to life, offering a brilliant answer to the problem at hand.

Showcase your product (MVP) or service and reveal why it's the game-changing solution the market craves.

Focus on the benefits it brings, not just its features, and use captivating visuals and storytelling to illustrate its power.

Remember, your solution should be desirable, viable, and feasible, leaving investors eager to be part of your transformative journey.

Here is an inspirational solution slide example template:

Let's shine the spotlight on your unique offering and demonstrate why it's the perfect remedy for today's challenges.

Product-Market Fit

Time to unveil the proof of Product-Market Fit – the moment your solution aligns perfectly with a hungry market.

Showcase your product in all its glory; a live demo or a captivating video can work wonders.

Let visuals speak volumes as you highlight key features.

Product-market fit means having users who not only buy but also rave about your offering, propelling growth and profitability.

This slide is your ticket to demonstrate that your solution is tailor-made for the market's cravings. Here is an example:

Let's reveal the powerful match between your product and its eager audience, paving the way for exponential success.

Market Size and Opportunity

The Market Size and Opportunity slide is where you paint a vibrant picture of your ideal customers and the vast potential that lies ahead.

Show investors the scale of the problem you're tackling and how your company positions itself in the market.

Unveil the total addressable market (TAM), the serviceable available market (SAM), and the serviceable obtainable market (SOM).

But remember, specificity is key; aim for a reachable market, not an overly inflated one.

Use compelling visuals like pie charts or timelines to showcase market trends, proving it's the perfect moment for your business to shine.

Here is an example of a market size slide of an early startup:

Let's illustrate the boundless opportunities that await, compelling investors to jump aboard your journey to success!

What is the Competition?

In the fierce battleground of business, competition is inevitable.

Next should be the competition slide. It is your chance to showcase your distinct edge in the market.

Describe how you stand tall amidst rivals, armed with unique advantages and a secret sauce that sets you apart.

What makes you the irresistible choice for customers? Highlight your key differentiators and reveal why your offering outshines the rest.

In this captivating dance of competitors, show investors why your startup is the undisputed solution amid the prevalent competition.

Show the Traction

Showcasing traction is the pinnacle of credibility in your pitch deck. It's where you transform potential into reality with hard-hitting startup analytics.

Numbers don't lie, and investors crave proof of your visible progress.

Flaunt your monthly active users, early adopter waitlist, or successful sales – tangible signs that your startup is gaining momentum.

As you craft this slide, remember, the longer the data, the more dynamics it reveals. Think of it as a movie trailer, leaving investors eager to watch the whole story.

Here is an example template for traction slide in your deck:

Also, you can add reviews and testimonials to amplify your triumphs.

So, founders, create a data-driven scene that leaves investors in awe, convinced that your startup is a force to be reckoned with.

Introduce Your Team

In a winning pitch deck, the spotlight shines on your dream team – the driving force behind your startup's success.

This slide is where you introduce the key players who make magic happen.

Highlight their exceptional expertise, unique successes at previous ventures, and why they are the perfect fit to build and grow your company.

Investors want to know why you and your team are the champions who will triumph in this challenging arena.

Even if some positions are yet to be filled, identify the critical roles you seek and explain how they will fuel the company's growth.

It's time to showcase the A-team that will conquer the market!

Financial Projections Overview

The financial projections overview is the backbone of your pitch deck, validating the viability of your business idea.

This slide provides a snapshot of your revenue model, showcasing how you plan to monetize and hit financial milestones.

Use clear charts to display sales forecasts, customer numbers, expenses, and profits over the next three years.

Investors want to see realistic growth projections, so back up your numbers with solid assumptions.

Look at this example of a financial model slide in a seed round deck:

Show them that you understand your expense drivers and demonstrate how your existing traction supports your optimistic projections.

Numbers don't lie, and a compelling financial overview can make all the difference in securing those crucial investments.

How Much Do You Want to Raise?

Alright, it's the moment of truth - the part where you ask for the quantity of funds required!

In your pitch deck, be specific about how much funding you're seeking to take your business to new heights.

But remember, it's not just about throwing figures out there; you need a rock-solid plan explaining how that money will be utilized to fuel growth and achieve your business goals.

Transparency is key, so show potential investors exactly how their investment will propel your success. And if you've already got some backers on board, share the good news and explain why they believe in your vision.

Best Tips for a Perfect Deck Creation

Crafting a captivating pitch deck is an art and here are the important tips to keep in mind before crafting one:

  • Use Storytelling: Weave a narrative that engages investors emotionally and intellectually, leaving a lasting impression.
  • Less Is More: Keep it concise, focusing on key points that showcase your business's potential.
  • Visualize: Use eye-catching graphics and charts to present data in a compelling way.
  • Updated Data: Provide current, relevant information to build credibility and trust.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Highlight how your solution solves real problems and benefits users.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Demonstrate your product's value through demos or examples.
  • Craft Compelling Pitch Deck Copy: Use persuasive language to convey your vision effectively.
  • Keep Your Pitch Simple: Avoid jargon and complexities; make it easy to understand.
  • Don’t Overstate the Market Opportunity: Be realistic about your market size and growth potential.
  • Ask for the Money: Clearly state the funding you need and how it will drive success.
  • Practice Your Presentation: Rehearse confidently to deliver a flawless pitch.


In the thrilling world of startups, a killer pitch deck can make all the difference.

With a clear vision and compelling value proposition, founders can captivate investors and open doors to new opportunities.

Embrace storytelling, keep it concise, and let visuals do the talking. Use up-to-date data to back your claims and focus on the benefits your product brings.

Craft a professional deck with persuasive copy, and practice your pitch until it's pitch-perfect.

Stay grounded, ask for what you need, and you'll be well on your way to startup stardom!

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