Pitch Deck Financials Slide

Master the pitch deck financials slide - a key component in presenting your startup's financial projections and growth strategy to investors

Did you know that investors, on average, spend the most time on the financial slide of a pitch deck? It's not just about charts and numbers; it's a reflection of a startup's potential success and profitability.

While pitch decks are the bridges connecting promising businesses to potential backers, the financial plan stands as the linchpin of that bridge.

For founders, it can be a daunting task to perfect, and for investors, it’s a primary gauge of worthiness.

So, how does one craft this essential slide effectively? Here we will explore the intricacies and essentials of the financial side of your pitch deck.

Financial Projection: What is it & Why is it Important?

The financial slide is one of the most crucial components of a pitch deck. It provides a detailed look into a company's financial health and future prospects. In essence, it showcases projected revenues, expenses, and other key metrics for the upcoming years, usually spanning three.

Why the fuss about it? Because it's not just numbers. It paints a picture of growth, stability, and potential. When investors flip through your pitch deck, they're on the lookout for this clarity.

Will you make profits? How's your growth chart looking? And trust me, a well-laid-out financial projection isn’t just some business homework; it’s the very compass guiding your enterprise's journey.

So, for those setting out to woo investors, remember: a sound financial projection isn't just nice to have—it's essential.

What to Include in the Financials Slide?

Crafting the perfect financial slide? It's all about the right ingredients. Let's break down the essentials to make your pitch deck shine.

While each pitch deck is tailored to its specific startup, there are key elements every standout financial slide needs to captivate investors. Here is our list of what a compelling financial slide must have:

1. Revenue & Expenses / P&L

The financial backbone of any startup pitch deck is business revenue details and expenses or the Profit and loss (P&L) overview. At its core, this document lays out a clear picture of the startup's financial health.

Here's the gist: Start with your revenue, the heart of your financial story. Deduct expenses like manufacturing costs, operational overhead, and staffing bills. What you're left with? That's either your gross profit or a potential loss.

Investors are laser-focused on these numbers. They crave insights into your earnings through operations and how these figures could skyrocket in the future. Because, let's face it, who doesn't want their investments in high-revenue ventures?

By showcasing your Income Statement, you’re giving investors a ticket to your business's financial roller coaster, assuring them of your journey's potential thrill.

2. 2-3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are the pulse of your startup. They're not just numbers; they’re the indicators that tell investors where the growth is happening.

Think of them as the vitals showing your startup's health. Whether it's the number of paid subscribers that fuels your revenue or daily active users that depict your product's engagement, these metrics are your startup's growth story in a nutshell.

It’s like telling investors, "Here’s how we measure our wins!" But remember, keep it simple. Overloading with metrics can blur your story.

Stick to what truly matters. Here are some important KPIs to Include:

  • Number of Sales per Period
  • Current Number of Paid Subscribers
  • Active Users Count
  • Monthly or Annual Recurring Revenue
  • Customer Growth Rate
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Churn Rate

3. Headcount

Building a thriving business? It boils down to the people behind it. Investors eye that crucial headcount figure on your pitch deck's financial slide. They're eager to understand how many skilled hands you'll need, from management to customer support.

Here's the thing: As your sales shoot up, so should your team size. A stagnant headcount with surging revenue can raise eyebrows—unless you're a tech whiz championing automation.

And guess what? A growing headcount directly affects costs—from sales to operational expenses.

No matter how spacious your office, more sales typically mean more seats (and maybe even a new coffee machine!). After all, numbers don't just speak, they tell a story of ambition and growth.

4. Funding History

The next crucial element to include in the financial slide of a pitch deck is your startup's funding history.

Demonstrating past funding not only provides a transparent view of your financial journey but also acts as social proof, hinting that other savvy investors have already placed their bets on your potential.

Delve deeper with a cap table—a detailed breakdown highlighting shareholder equity, from common shares to convertible equity. It's more than just numbers; it's a testament to the faith and commitment previous investors have shown.

By highlighting your funding milestones, you reassure new investors that they're not the first to believe in your startup's promise. Remember, trust is built on transparency and past success.

5. Return on Investment (ROI)

The next pivotal component in the financial slide of a startup pitch deck is "ROI" or Return on Investment.

While investors are aware that financial projections, including ROI, might not always hit the mark, what matters is the logic behind your numbers.

Think about it: Investors are scouting for businesses that will amplify their portfolio's value. Your job? Convincingly communicate how your product or service is primed to deliver a substantial ROI.

Remember, venture capitalists have commitments to their investors too, aiming to provide lucrative returns. Yes, pinpointing an exact ROI can be challenging, but showcasing a well-thought-out rationale can bridge the trust gap. After all, it's about mutual growth and understanding risks.

Best Tips for Crafting a Winning Pitch Deck Financial Slide?

Crafting a compelling financial slide in your pitch deck can sway investors. Precision, visuals, and clarity make all the difference.

Here are some important tips for founders to amp up their presentation:

  • Prioritize Accuracy: Ensure financial data is spot-on, leaving no room for doubt.
  • Embrace Visuals: Utilize charts and graphs for better comprehension and engagement.
  • Realistic Projections: Stay grounded. Overly optimistic figures can deter savvy investors.
  • Showcase Time-bound Data: Highlight your financial journey over months or years, indicating growth and stability.
  • Detailed Cash Flow: Offer a clear view with annual or monthly summaries, showcasing revenue and expenses.
  • Clarify Assumptions: Be transparent about projections. How did you arrive at these numbers? Ensure they're reasonable.
  • Highlight Profitability: Clearly indicate when you anticipate breaking even or turning a profit.
  • Expense Breakdown: Enumerate top spending categories to provide investors with a clear spending roadmap.
  • Design Matters: Keep it simple yet engaging. Prioritize readable fonts and colors and steer clear of clutter.
  • Stay Concise: Keep core financials upfront and detailed assumptions or breakdowns in appendices.

With these tips, you're equipped to create a financial slide that not only informs but impresses!


The financial slide in your pitch deck isn't just numbers—it's a story of potential futures. While every startup's journey is unique, the golden thread linking successful pitches is accuracy.

Ditch the smoke and mirrors; instead, anchor your fundraising in genuine trust. It's all about creating a narrative that reassures investors of your wise stewardship of their funds. By harnessing the power of clear charts and impactful graphs, you not only simplify complex data but also amplify the essential takeaways.

In essence, your financial slide is more than figures—it's the bridge of trust and transparency you build with potential investors.

Benjamin Debonneville
Founder & CEO
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